Mission U.S. – The Flight to Freedom

I came across a link on my Facebook timeline the other day that enraged me.  It was a trailer for a game called: The Slavery Game.  Thankfully, it was a hoax, but it made me do some thinking.  “Was this a singular entity?” “What was its purpose?” “Who was this made for and why?”

I did a search and saw an interesting caption: “They Made a Video Game About Slavery, And It’s Actually Good“.  It was an article by a gentleman named Kirk Hamilton.  His article spoke of a video game that was educational and produced by New York Public Media’s WNET Thirteen.  The game is called: Mission U.S. – Flight to Freedom.  There’s actualy three games in the series. The first, dealing with the American Civil War, the second deals with slavery in the 19th century, and the third deals with the Cheyenne people in early America.  They’re all free games that can be played in your browser.  Flight to Freedom is the second in the series.  I downloaded all three and have installed Flight to Freedom.

I must say, the prologue was very tasteful. I’ll begin the game properly, in the next few days (gotta make some trousers for the hubby first, lol) and hopefully, I’ll have more info to share.  In the meantime, here’s a link to try the games for yourselves, then you can tell me what your verdict of the game is.  Is it racist or educational?  You decide.



I do and have done almost everything that involves creativity. Paint, sculpt, write, sung, played, carved, built, fixed/repaired so many things. Too many to mention. If you want to know more, then just drop me a line. I'll answer eventually...
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