The other day myself and the hubby took up an opportunity to get some pictures taken of my products by a wonderful friend in the community. I have to give props to the wonderful and delighful Dulaani of A.D.E. Photographers and Printers based in Peckham Rye, south London.
The staff were welcoming and warm. The offices were cosy. It’s amazing what can be done with units these days. I was surprised by the amount of space they had and how well lit it was too. (Duh! It’s a photographer’s studio, Shady lol).
We met two lovely young girls there who showed wonderfully high levels of intellect and good behaviour. A breath of fresh air these days, I can tell you. I introduced the elder girl to the game Mission US 2. She loved it! To tell the truth, she put me to shame as I hadn’t even got past the prologue at the time. She had completed the prologue and was at part 4 by the time the studio had closed for the evening. She told me she was going to complete the game when she got home. She enjoyed it that much! Well, you know I couldn’t let a ten-year-old defeat me. I completed the game last night lol.
It was an enjoyable experience at the studio. Dressing and redressing the mannequin was frustrating at times, what with things not hanging right when I needed them to, or getting caught on jagged corners and such, but all said and done, it was fun. Dulaani was a wonderful host and he put me and the hubby at ease from the off. He even got my hubby to look like he was enjoying modelling (no mean feat, I can tell you! Lol.
I’m currently awaiting the fruits of our joint labour so that I can share them with you all in the shop and the gallery. I hope that you’ll have as much pleasure looking at and wearing my designs as I have making and wearing them.
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