The other night, a very dear friend of mine gave me a call. It was a much needed uplifting vibration at that time as I had just come off the phone with my parents and was ready to climb walls from the frustration. Our ensuing conversation immediately turned my frown into a happy smile as I had been thinking of her for a while. At the end of our lively conversation, she recited this beautiful poem to me. Upon hearing it, I knew I had to share this with you all. It helped me remember and refocus myself as, not only a woman, but as a spiritual entity experiencing a human existence. My only critique, is that I would exchange the word "believe" for "know", for I do know these things to be true. But that's just me being pedantic, lol. I hope this poem/prayer (written by a nun, I might add) brings a similar feeling to your life too. Peace, love and light to you all.
I will believe the truth about myselfNo matter how beautiful it is.I believe in my powerto transform indifference into love.I believe I have an amazing giftto keep hope alive in the face of despair.I believe I have the remarkable skillof deleting bitterness from my life.I believe in my budding potentialto live with a nonviolent heart.I believe in my passion to speak the trutheven when it isn't popular.I believe I have the strength of willto be peace in a world of violence.I believe in my miraculous capacityfor unconditional love.I will believe the truth about myselfNo matter how beautiful it is.
by Macrina Wiederkehr.
Do believe the truth about yourself?